Schweizerische Muskelgesellschaft
Kanzleistrasse 80 - 8004 Zürich
Telephone: +41 (0)44 245 80 30
Fax: +41 (0)44 245 80 31
Friedreich's Ataxia Group of German Switzerland
The contact group Friedreich's Ataxia was initiated in 1989 by a FA-patient. He wanted to bring the FA-patients closer together, the loneliness with this rare genetic disorder should be interrupted and the exchange be promoted. As a result, contacts and the first meeting of German Switzerland emerged soon after. From 200 estimated patients with ataxia in Switzerland, there are about 70 members in the FA-group and/or the Muskegesellschaft.
The target is for the FA-contact-group to bring FA-sufferers and their families together. There are seasonal meetings and through contacts to each other we try to unite. The age of FA-patients includes all age categories. Family members of those affected - by which we mean parents, partner, friends and related peoples are all welcome.
The FA contact group is a self-help group of the Swiss society of muscledisease, which in addition offer professional help and support.